May 18, 2019
Bike Homecoming
May 18, 2019

Nebo is an shared economy home service app. I created the brand, designed and built the website, and directed the onboarding instructional videos.




November, 2018




brand/logo: Create a brand that resonates with target demographics—millennials, stay at home moms, and DIY-ers. The brand should appear modern and approachable, to convey the feeling of convenience that the app provides, as well as communicate that you're going to get things fixed and checked off your honey-do-list. Nebo is modern convenience. The mark must be able to morph into an app icon.
website: Design a clean and minimal website that effectively communicates how the app works for the two user types: customers and service providers.
video: Create instructional onboarding videos that users will see when they first sign into the Nebo app. The user needs to absorb a lot of information so we needed to keep things simple and moving to keep attention. We went with vector illustration all on a single phone screen so that the user interface expectations are established before the user starts using the app.